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1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
8-a Public hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for the proposed annexation case ANX23-00800, located on the north side of East Pecos Road and on the west side of the proposed South Crismon Road Alignment (43± acres). This request has been initiated by Gammage and Burnham, for owner Pacific Proving LLC. (District 6)
8-b Public hearing prior to the release of the petition for signatures for the proposed annexation case ANX24-00192, located on the north side of East Pecos Road and on the east side of the proposed South Crismon Road Alignment (130± acres). This request has been initiated by Gammage and Burnham, for owner Pacific Proving LLC. (District 6)
9-a Signal Butte Water Treatment Plant (SBWTP) Expansion - Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) No. 2 of 2 (District 6)

GMP No. 2 includes expansion of the existing plant by adding facilities to increase capacity of the SBWTP from 24 million gallons per day to 48 million gallons per day of treated water. GMP No. 1 was approved on September 11, 2023 and included additional reservoir capacity that would allow for growing demand, redundancy in the distribution system and supplement supply during high demand months.

Staff recommends awarding a contract to McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. in the amount of $111,973,648.69 (GMP No. 2), and authorizing a change order allowance in the amount of $3,359,209.46 (3%), for a total authorized amount of $115,332,858.15. This project is funded by Utility Systems Revenue Obligations.
10 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker.)