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*3-a ZON23-00276. "Higley 202 Industrial Commerce" (District 5). Within the 3800 block of North Higley Road (east side). Located east of Higley Road and north of Thomas Road. (5± acres). Site Plan Review. This request will allow for an industrial development. Rauf Moosavi, Moosavi Design and Architecture, Applicant; Boyle Family LP, Owner. (Companion case to Preliminary Plat "Higley 202 Industrial Commerce", associated with item *5-a).

Planner: Joshua Grandlienard
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
*4-a ZON22-00835. "Mason Farms" (District 1). Within the 1200 to 1400 blocks of East Lehi Road (south side). Located south of East Lehi Road and east of North Stapley Drive (15+ acres). Rezone from Single Residence-43 (RS-43) to Single-Residence-43 with a Planned Area Development overlay (RS-43-PAD). This will allow for a single residence subdivision. Mason Farms, LLC, Applicant and Owner. (Companion case to Prelinimary Plat " Mason Farms", associated with item *5-b).

Planner: Samantha Brannagan
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions
*4-b ZON23-00222. "Brightpath Child Care" (District 1). Within the 1200 block of North Val Vista Drive (west side) and within the 3500 block of East Brown Road (north side). Located west of Val Vista Drive and north of Brown Road. (1.2± acres). Rezone from Office Commercial with a Bonus Intensity Zone overlay (OC-BIZ) to Office Commercial (OC) and Major Site Plan Modification. This request will allow for the development of a day care center. Sean Lake, Pew and Lake, PLC, Applicant; Mark Reeb, Makana LP, Owner.

Planner: Emily Johnson
Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions