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1 Take action on all consent agenda items.
5-h Approving and authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Development Agreement and Sustainable Water Service Agreement with Redale LLC, for the development of approximately 396 acres of property generally located at the southeast corner of Elliot and Ellsworth Roads. The Agreements facilitate the phased development of a large data center that will generate economic benefits to the City of Mesa and authorize the development to be a MLM Customer (large water customer) under Title 8, Chapter 10 of the Mesa City Code. (District 6)
6-a Amending Title 5 of the Mesa City Code (Business Regulations) by adding a new Chapter 4, entitled “Mobile Food Vendors”, enacting reasonable regulations and licensing requirements on mobile food vendors and mobile food units operating in Mesa. (Citywide)
8-a Take action on the tentative adoption of the proposed FY 2021/2022 budget.
9-a Conduct a public hearing.
9-b A resolution approving the 2021 District Assessments for Mesa Town Center Improvement District No. 228. The proposed final assessments do not include any rate increases. (District 4)
10-a Conduct a public hearing.
10-b A resolution approving a Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for fiscal years ending 2022-2026. (Citywide)
11 Items from citizens present. (Maximum of three speakers for three minutes per speaker).