1 Review and discuss items on the agendas for the May 18, 2020 regular and Special Council meetings. |
2-a Hear a presentation on the status of City of Mesa recreational facilities and discuss and provide direction on future plans for reopening limited facilities. |
2-b Hear a presentation and discuss a new library pick-up/drop-off program, and an overview of the Mesa CARES Community Resource Call Center. |
2-c Hear a presentation on the City’s existing programs for homeless prevention and services, and hear a presentation, discuss, and provide direction on staff recommendations for future federal funding allocations to supplement these existing homelessness programs, and provide direction on two new proposed program concepts in response to COVID-19: 1) Operation Off the Streets-for Everyone’s Health and Safety; and 2) emergency homeless housing through an asset acquisition. |
3 Acknowledge receipt of minutes of various boards and committees. |
4 Current events summary including meetings and conferences attended. |
5 Scheduling of meetings. |